

Our Generous Donors

The City of Brockville Railway Tunnel Committee expresses sincere gratitude to the following donors and partners:

DIAMOND BENEFACTORS   $500,000 and above

* Carolyn Sifton Foundation * City of Brockville  * Phillips Lighting Canada  * Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs  * Beatty Family Charitable Foundation, Canarm Limited, David and Anne Beatty

GOLD BENEFACTORS  $250,000 to $499,999 

* 1000 Islands Community Development Corporation (FedDev Ontario)  * Ford Electric and the Bouwers family  * Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program  * Ontario Trillium Foundation - Ontario 150 Community Capital Program

SILVER BENEFACTORS  $100,000 to $249,999

* Armagh L. Sifton Foundation  * Burnbrae Farms Foundation and the Hudson family
* Canadian National Railway (CNR)  * Rotary Clubs of Brockville

BRONZE BENEFACTORS  $50,000 to $99,999

* BMO Bank of Montreal  * The Joyce family - Tim Hortons  * VIA Rail Canada
Diamond Patrons  $25,000 to $49,999
* Grenville Community Futures Development Corporation (FedDev Ontario)  * The Preston Family  * The LeSueur family  * Carolyn Coffin  * Larry and Nancy Vanderbarren  * Northern Cables
Gold Patrons  $10,000 to $24,999
*  Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR)
Silver Patrons  $5,000 to $9,999
* Enbridge  * Jack and Nancy Kenny  * Mike McClintock in memory of John and Elaine McClintock  * Diakun family, in memory of John Diakun  * Somers Semple Foundation
Bronze Patrons  $1,000 to $4,999

Bob & Mavis Duthie  * Bruce & Donna Davy  * Cathy TeKamp in memory of Ben TeKamp  * Gene and Catherine Motluk  * David Beamish Family  * City of Brockville Legacy Fund  * Collett Surveying Ltd.  * Community Fund for Canada’s 150th  * Fetze and Clare Venema  *  Frontenac Biosphere Arch Network - Amazing Places Program  * Henderson Printing  * Linda and Alexander Darragh  * Roger and Sharon Crites  * Robin TeKamp and Greg McElrea  * T. D. Graham + Associates  * Bob Barbour  * Victoria and Jennifer Johnson  * The Mah Family - in memory of Ming Mah  * Tom Blanchard  * Doug and Shirley Ellis  * James McDonald and Michelle Arsenault  *  Brian and Renee Porter * Gordon Ellis

Friends  $500 to $999  * Apex Logistics Inc.  * Denis & Eileen Ling  * Doug and Jean Grant  * Douglas N. W. Smith  * Duncan and Nancy Fraser  * Garry Stover and family  * Hugh Campbell  * Nancy Van Ulden - In memory of Joc Van Ulden  * Jim Rawlings & Karen Pallister  * Judy and Dave Wyatt & Family  * Linda and Harley Eyre  * Marion Herbison  * Pamela and Bob Harman  * Philip Richard  * Robert Barr  * Robert W. and Jeannette Runciman  * Hare Family - in memory of Hugh Hare  *  George and Marilyn Caners  * The Wimperis family – in memory of Jeffery Wimperis  * Byron & Catherine Boone  * Rose & Gary LaLonde  * Suzanne Runciman - In memory of Jeannette RuncimanDana Hyde, in honour of David G. Hyde  * Janet Purchase  * Philip J.A. Ling  * The Lau-Brewer Family - In memory of Winston Lau 



Canada 150

FedDev Ontario

1000 Islands Community Development Corporation

Grenville Community Futures Development corporation

Community Foundations of Canada


Ontario Trillium Foundation

City of Brockville

phillips logo

canarm logo

bmo logo

burnbrae logo


ford electric

rotary brockville

northern cables

collett surveying


henderson printing

apex logistics

amazing places logo

see all our donors